Help me create the most unimaginably dogshit loadout
[FNV] is there a mod that makes the sawed-off not sawed-dogshit? I swear this gun makes the doom 3 shotgun look like the marathon 2 shotgun, can't damage shit with this gun.
Anyone got some off meta build ideas?
Cool map of how people are feeling about the 9070xt launch in the US
Every time I see deals posted online I cry I don't live near Micro Center
ThE 9070 (XT) Is GoInG To HaVe GoOd StOcK !
Bungie has the chance to make the coolest exotic for arc Titan and it involves doing the simplest thing...
What if bungie added a fourth class
What are some kinda niche PVE builds people like to use?
[fo4] Should I start a new modded playthrough of Fallout 4? Worried about the next gen update issues.
Monitor stuck in loop of connecting and disconnecting when using display port.
Week One is not a total mess...
Give me all the mashed potatoes cause this means something with how frequently these branches are being updated
And this is why anyone who says that care is better in a for-profit healthcare system can kindly shut the fuck up
This might be an unpopular opinion: I prefer playing with no zombies
Best Evil Durge Class
How’s everyone feeling on stasis?
Prismatic hunter builds that aren’t dodge/punch or gyrfalcon simulators
Are ability spamming builds still available for hunter?
Looking for solo dungeon build for hunter?
Outbreak Perfected Hunter builds?
So as a stasis titan, I want to create and destroy crystals super fast. Any weapon/exotic recommendations?
Hunter Stasis.
If you could pick one spell to have in your inventory to start every run with, which is it?
Anthropology Question