This was the moment where I first felt like a real Isaac player (finished product added too). What was yours?
Is this Judas start basically either a better Cain or a worse Cain?
Hypothetically, if Bahamut was an uber, where would he go on the uber tier list with his new talents?
[Fan-made] I made my own sage enemy, sir cyborg robo-seal!
[Fluff] So people are talking about Dasli not being at 1 anymore (yes I know they're interchangeable), but what everyone keeps missing is the fact that COSMO IS EVEN HIGHER NOW WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[Discussion] what is the minimum feasible amount of cats you think are needed to do labyrinth (with avg RNG, not perfect)
Dasli has been dethroned from #1 in Xskull's top 10 [Discussion]
Okay so I was just looking at xskull's culmative tier list and I saw dphono at #1?! What the [Fluff] Happened?!!
[Fluff] What's that one enemy that makes you go:
I'm actually tweaking because of ITF3 moon, how tf are you supposed to do anything when bahamut just blitzes everything
Made this video to spite this stupid [fluff] ing level.
[discussion] People say that ramen eventually outclasses eraser at a high enough level. I just wanna know what people think.
papaluga didn’t [fluff] ing win, but huge hermit, good units that r both loved and hated by fans now.
Here's an idea that I had, and I wanna get some opinions. Imagine auto mode got an update where you could choose if it should collect more orbs or more ki for each unit. I just feel it'd be a bit of QOL
[fluff] turns out the baha talents stage is out the day after the update dropped. I'm having so much fun.
[Discussion] I juiced up my Cosmo almost to the max (Don't do this). What do you think the best talent orbs are gonna be for him with 2 slots?
This isn't about what the best ultra is, this is about their reveals. What ultra do you think had the best reveal? I'll go first.
I'm still not sure how but I don't think I'm doing things in the right order.
Have I already passed for the worst part of starred UL?
This is going to sound absurd, but I think that with the 10th anni content being as it is, having 3 dodge on beast isn't a bad idea for when he doesn't have intro or active. (You can blame me when I was just starting out a year ago for this)
How good would Gohan be if one little thing was changed in his passive?
How good would ssj2 Gohan be if this was changed in his kit?
Madoka Magica Collab lol
What do you think Ultra Perfect Cell’s Resonance of Force should be?