Did tinnitus force anyone else to quit weed?
quit yesterday im done
Anyone have luck with this ? I had a chiropractor recommend .
Walmart cracking down
I happily reported a two phone spark shopper and Walmart associated caught him in the act at self check out
“The Jews Killed Jesus” does not make any sense.
Should I date a curbside chick?
19M worried I got tinnitus from listening to music too loud
Friends house, is this too low?
Why is Walmart allowing thieves to still walk out with spark orders?!
Who would take this?
Mental Breakdown, please tell me this is normal
is anyone else lagging
Forget killing Hitler. If you had a Time Machine, what Rave/Concert/Festival would you go back to?
KWS What yall know about them ? Besides they later became a clique of 18st. Krazy Wicked Sureños
Ran Across This Tagging Today At Smoke Shop. Never Heard Of This Hood Before
What's up, with this whole thing that ''it is forbidden to do DNA tests in Israel''?