A new game, Pokémon Champions was announced!
What do you think is the most BORING Pixar movie?
The Obvious
Rate? Or judge me based on my top four
I can't knit my rmd file with R coz my dataset object/path is not found
Ash's thoughts
What to do After Beating Erika in Let's Go
What's your personal ranking of all Christopher Nolan films.
Best Movie of 2024 so far?
Back Wheels don't spin all the way around
Aboriginal Australian Dreamtime Mythical Creatures for Australian Region
Who is your favourite strike class?
If you could add three more Pokemon to Serena's team, what would they be and why
Serena... she needs more Pokémon on her roster. Can we complete her team? She needs 3.
What are some other ships you like.
Most Underrated Casting
How much do agree with J.K's 'Tom would have turned out to be different if Merope hadn't died' ?
Pick one pokemon you think would be the most useful in the real world.
Ash Ketchum is the best Pokémon trainer. Now who’s your favorite Pokegirl
Who is cuter Serena or Dawn?
Who best fits the Elemental Sign?: WATER
Among these four who's the cutest for you?
What would be your letterboxd top 4 for tv shows
Tell me your favorite character!! 😼