What movie has the best opening scene of all time?
Something is really off in Made in America
Was there ever a situation where Larry David was legitimately not at fault and genuinely did nothing wrong?
To all mature men out there please name one mistake you have made in your life so a young man may not repeat.
Why are we cutting so much of the low mids?
Dad, are you in the mafia?
You have a 10 hour flight, where are you sitting??
Best *band* starting with letter G?
I drank too much and fucked up
Considering how much John wrote using jaguars how come he barely has any songs where he uses it?
Waiting Room scuffle
What do y’all think of this. Should I jump on it?
This is the greatest guitar pick ever created, tell me why or why not.
Not a good mix with kratom
Bums me out whenever I see someone 'explaining' Mulholland Drive to someone else they never ever bring up Adam. I'd say he's pretty important.
Mount Rushmore?
Got a new nut for my strat, what next?
Are you all piano players?
The Mechanical Hand tour
Prometheus Does The Movie Deserve The Hate It Gets ?.
Suggestions on favorite woman power songs
Do withdrawals make you unable to fall asleep?
How did you discover the band?
Getting "high" from David Lynch films?