Think keto made my hair change
Do you recognize this character??
What is your personal "golden rule of crochet"? I'll start:
any desserts that involve heavy cream?
What job do y’all main and why?
Anyone else find playing more than a few classes in this game pretty overwhelming?
Can you give me an example of a 1200 cal in a day meal ?
What did you make for dinner this week?
What are your favorite Keto Snacks?
What is everyone cooking for dinner today or this week?
Lupus is disrupting my life. It’s so sad when I see people comment on Selena Gomez’s weight fluctuations
What’s your go to low calorie dessert? And how do you approach desserts?
Tell me about some of your favorite memories that you have shared with other players
Soups that aren't overly complicated or expensive to make?
Show me a prettier set.... I'll wait
What’s your favorite soup recipe?
If you could have anyone, real or not, as a GPS voice, who would you choose?
Doubting the color choices for my first “for me” project
How easy/hard was it for you to get the chocobo color you wanted?
If you were to become rich all of a sudden, what is one ridiculous item you would purchase instantly?
What’s your biggest “yeah… I made that” crochet project?
Why can't I stick to the keto diet?
Healing for the sake of it. Am I the only one?
If the internet disappeared for a month, what would be the first thing you’d do?