Best Song on I AM MUSIC
Y'all mess with it?
What songs have actually stayed in your playlist since this dropped?
WAIT FOR U hits 1 billion streams and Too Many Nights hits 900 million streams today
What's the WORST Future song?
Future’s Most Respectful Lyrics
iPhone 13 Apple Pay not working
What da lyrics did the future say that still stick in your mind?
Drop the most painful lyrics you’ve ever heard
What random Pluto lyrics do y'all blurt out for no reason?
songs you didn’t like at first but now love?
W or L?
I just failed my OCHEM II final
New Laptop having difficulties downloading things.
Y’all I listened to a lucid dreaming meditation on YouTube and I’ve never had so many dreams in one night.
How long did it take for your first lucid dream?
WILD Technique
Lucid Dreaming Technique(ADA)
What is the coolest thing you have done in a lucid dream?
Lucid Dreaming Suggestions?
What do ya do in ya lucid dreams.
I forget my goals in LD's, is this common?
What do you usually do in a lucid dream?