Why does subway/metro ticket varies based on distance?
[Request] How many hotdogs do they need to sell to get a reasonable profit for a permit that cost $289,500 a year
Permit for this hot dog cart $289,500 a year
Why buy a 500$ skin when you can get it for free
ELI5: How come when we are sick, we sometime feel cold?
YSK: If you have a computer running Windows 10, you should right click on the Task Bar, go to Search and untick Show Search Highlights. It's a broken feature that causes crashes and lag.
Forget Brazil, Welcome to France
Uncomfortably hot or uncomfortably cold, which is worst?
Don gets freed by a corrupt cop
Is the structure "Me + V-ing" correct?
Internet people
Do O.D patients go to jail after they're admitted into a hospital?
Why don't game companies remake old games with new engine graphic?
Sword bug? Adhesive hilt mod still get staggered
Sword Adhesive hilt mod not working?
Me everytime I hook up with a girl
Swords ~ New Rune
Balance [Post Ban Megathread]