Headed to the lake tomorrow - which one would you bring?
Favorite Kurt Russell movie?
Is it worth watching 1883 or 1923??
Wrong answers please
Grant part 2 😂😂😂😂
Who had the better MTV unplugged?
Does this mean they lasted after the show?
Dude pulls out a fucking SHOTGUN during a barfight...
Can’t unsee it
Yesterdays haul.
Is Hannah from so7 for real?
Mr.bungle for me
Man smashes up boarding gate after missing his flight in Dublin Airport
Grant blocked me 💀
Who puts on an actual show? Looking for concerts that are entertaining for both their music, and their stage management.
What are your favourite album covers?
UK girl fighting over her bf
Netflix better not f this up
This is who I see when I look at this dude…
He asked for it 🥊
Can’t decide if this is perfect, or horrible, on a red truck.
Sad day
It's 2002, what are you listening to?
Who drives this truck
MDMA and other drugs use at 14?