If someone asks you what testicular torsion is just show them this
What level is this
How is my block design from 1-10
I Guess it was rated epic because it has 750k objects
Who do you think will be the one to end the Pax Americana?
me when the brick wall
"swing is a bad gamemode"
Why doesn't RobTop Just do this to prevent spam?
Imagine showing this to someone in 2017
Top comment chooses what I say to this guy
Does this clip seem legit to you?
I saw a post asking why the H.E.C.U. were after Gordon Freeman, they illegally invaded Black Mesa and Gordon was defending himself.
How's my gameplay?
This night couldn't get any worse.
I hate this new font
Do you want to be rich?
Being an 18 yo mf, everyone on this subreddit seems 9
Is there a better way for me to convince a NONG creator to use my cover on NG?
To be honest. This subreddit is falling off.
How would you answer the 30 Questions to Ask Atheists?
How realistic are barnacles? Wouldn't animals learn to avoid them and they would eventually starve to death?
What do you think people mean when they say they are "spiritual but not religious"?
can't even say bad bot anymore
Which one is the best in your opinion and is there maybe a fourth option I might have to consider? Also this is not 100% completed. There are some final finishing touches missing.