I’m still trying to understand how to read radars, is that whole thing a tornado??
Garchomp god pack
Nagito Komaeda talks passionately talks about pickle rick for... some minutes, and sings rhinestone eyes
Who is your favorite non popular character?
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
catboy shuichi!??
Loser late to every trend does every blank template they have. Part 1
Is this within genus Chrysosoma?
Opinions on uh..ultimate imposter?
Where did it all go wrong? 😭
2D’a glow down NEEDS to be studied
I like building things and I want to know if there good, what’s your guys thoughts and opinions.
(north california) hi so what fell in my tea.. and is that a baby coming out of it
W tier list or
I’m 15 what do you think
This sub in a shitpost
Naehina Sleepover
Happy birthday to me … ! + SUPER OLD tiny collection pic
Who is the worst victim of fans trying to be different and why is it Kyoko
Ships tierlist that i put all of my SWEAT, BLOOD and TEARS into!!!
Ranking Danganronpa characters by how good of hugs they give
Why do Sceliphron have thin petioles?
photoshoot bcs i had to clean their enclosures a bit
Makoto Naegi analysis on THH
Found in my basement