About to rekindle sex life, any advise?
About to rekindle sex life, any advice?
Is 19 and 17 too big of an age gap?
Lämna svenska kyrkan?
guys, I saw this clorox refresher thing and I just had to touch them because they looked satisfying. Stuck my whole hand in it and had a break out from the chemicals :(
Gifts ideas for a phd candidate on the verge of burnout
Why is Overcast downloading every episode that I begin listening to?
Tough one for you young folks!
Genuinely how do you get better? I genuinely from the bottom of my heart can't keep going like this
Hilleburg Allak 3 vs Fjallraven Keb Dome 3
Christopher doesn't deserve the hate
Love Is Blind Sweden • S1 Ep 10 • The Reunion
Sweden: the best season so far
“Building a castle” - misinterpretation?
Job Change
Are you happy that you had children or do you regret it? Specifically in regards to your ADHD management.
Without meds in college
Någon som vuxit upp med osociala föräldrar? Hur har det påverkat er?
To the women who wear leggings how do you feel about a guy complementing your butt in public?
Are there trends in sh?
General Questions & Tech Support Megathread | July 04, 2022
Game recommendations (not narrative)
"Benefit" grammar
Been a week I found out my marriage was a sham
what happened to MJ xoxo?