I'm making a difficulty chart ❝tower❞ with my friend (It's currently work in progress), Here is a showcase!
I'm making a level that is inspired by a Tower in a ROBLOX game called Juke's Towers of Hell.
the first ever kid to say first
JU from youngpeopleyoutube, wishing torture on kids is not acceptable
do you guys know what kind of rule is this
Is this dude cheating?
I legit think that people from this sub are below the age of 15
One of my most favourite games I’ve ever played
Just unsubbed from asmongold's subreddit. What does this have to do with him?
API calls getting a lot of errors. Anybody noticed the same?
I love chess.com for this
Whats going on with Soyjak Party?
Roblox wants people to use their real name as a *public* Display Name?
Was doing some Lichess puzzles, and found this, keeping in mind that all Lichess puzzles come from real games, this was a sight to see, is there a single pawn for black that might not be considered weak?
Support for same sex marriage in EU
uh how can i make a gd account even though i used steamunlocked cuz i am poor af
Level K , my recent 1.4 project
What's the hardest level you ever beaten?
Neighborhood in Meksyk (Rybnik, Poland)
The pulsing stick under this slab in Stereo Madness is off center
Notive after he turned 18
White screen whenever loading a map
I know this isn’t a “just unsubbed” moment, but ive seen this sub in particular mentioned here a lot, and i have some good news
elephant He is