Me when Reddit recommends a sub that is meant for very small frail women and every post is UW ppl lowkey flexing
I’m horrible
Choose your fighter!
when ur parents get mad at u for asking them not to eat all of ur (safe) foods that u bought
I’m about to give up.
Depression hitting hard today.
When safe foods are no longer safe :(
is this #relatable?
realizing I’ve been talking about anorexia behaviors too much and now my parents are suspecting me
Not asking for medical advice, but is this a thing that has ever happened to a person
Is it possible to have ketoacidosis at a normal weight doing high res/“normal-person diet”
Is anyone else embarrassed by their weight loss?
When you haven’t pooped in three days so the number on the scale keeps going up and up because it’s in ur tummy
Pets & ED recovery
Me when my aunt makes comments about my body
When ur only nearby friends say “But you don’t even hang out with us” but it’s bc ur cold, tired, sick, and working long shifts
realizing how little normal people think about food
I feel so dumb. I got my ED on purpose. Did anyone else?
cheap safe foods?
What’s the worst part of your ED? Mine is…
When you’ve lost weight and your friend offers you a belt that they think will fit you and it’s too small
Things your parents did RIGHT!
Weight loss praise after being overweight
What thing did you once eat that you could never eat now knowing what you do?