Neckst level insult
Honorary Khun Family Members
Vishwaguru Moment - New Day New Record
I'm new to Melbourne. What is the lore behind Victor the goat?
OP ki jalebi kha lo taati taati!
Your highest upvoted post decides your tier
Shrimp 🦐
UP: A fire broke out in the children's ward of a medical college in Jhansi, 10 newborn babies were burnt to death. Yakub broke the window and saved many newborn babies from burning to death
Fuel prices then vs now
India's 2nd most famous chaiwala planning to meet the Most Famous Chaiwala
Science Students' gang signs
Drop em in the comments boys/gals
Virologist Beata Halassy has successfully treated her own breast cancer by injecting the tumour with lab-grown viruses sparking discussion about the ethics of self-experimentation.
"In india pigeons have better housing than in the US" Watch this guy😂
Men when boobies
Is Sam’s hole really that good?
How can he sleep when his ear ringing every few hour
To celebrate Rangiku's birthday, here's my collection of Rangikus!
Janmdin Mubarak ho iss desh ke laal ko
Digimon is better
Is it really worth it?
2 steps ahead
Bro knows when to lose
Would've been peak
How much can the prince of all sayains handle