Very Few Donut Stores in DC
When is it the right time to tell your cat they were adopted?
What makes you unreasonably angry?
Let’s hear your cats legal name and all of their nick names (w/ pics)
Poppy's asking if you think her tie goes well with her suit?
GYN recs?
Favorite pic of your cat. I'll go first.
Show me your tuxies and their siblings!
to whoever asked about June pizza earlier this week, thank you!
Exclusively shopping at TJs, yes or no?
If cloud leopard not friend why make friend sounds
On my last post, mandarin orange chicken was voted good and divided by r/traderjoes. What is an average product that r/traderjoes is divided on?
Orange Print 🍊 - Larry June
Anyone actually enjoy their job?
What’s your cat’s name?💝 Let’s see if we share!💕
Best coffee shops in Nova?
Today a good day 🌞
You can only rewatch one movie or show for your lifetime. What movie or show will you choose?
What is your reason for waking up every morning?
What movie made you cry?
Give me a Larry song and I’ll give you my favorite lyrics from it 🍊
Adults of Reddit, what is something your parents did that you thought was normal until you grew up to find out it wasn’t?
Looking to shop on a budget. What are some easy and cheap meals I could make?
What food do you have a weakness for?
Mandatory Kitty Checkpoint!