With a big age gap, how do you avoid parentifying the older child?
Non- 3 Day Potty Training methods?
Do you regret the floor bed?
Feedback/advice on floor plans, please!
Where do you keep your diaper bag?
People that have left the field, what are you doing now?
Need advice on negotiating construction budget.
Let's share stories of parents who are doing it *right*.
New construction build - why visit so often?
Going home 2 days after major surgery to care for a newborn should be illegal
What trade do I need?
Post C-Section, is the adult diaper for blood and discharge from the pregnancy/surgery, or is it for poop and pee?
Builder Backtracking on Level 4 Drywall – Am I Being Taken for a Ride?
Kids clothing
Going over scope of work line items, what exactly does "don't cheap out on windows, plumbing and electrical" mean for me as the client?
Where do we start on designing floor plan?
I yelled at my toddler and now I can’t stop crying I feel so guilty.
Market depreciation during custom home build = huge appraisal gap
Where did you live when your house was being built?
Exterior wall options
Paid my landlord rent directly from my business checkings
Do your clients care about pretty reports or do they just one "books done"?
Does your 2025 projection look as scarce as mine?
Bottle refusal at daycare—baby not eating all day.
How do I track inventory of a consumable that isn't a Cost of Goods Sold?