Best way to farm SoU
All classes winstreak in 9 challenge
Which wand do I pick?
Rot dart with trinity is an ez win
this floor has a crystal key with nothing to use it on and a metal door with no key for it.
Bigger = Better should apply in too.
Crystal key moment
Ik 2 alchemy rooms isn't rare but I've never seen 2 touching before
Ouija, do you speak Russian?
Perfectly connected villages
Bug? Died with 2
Save JAR Covers!
Rare Shapes in Labyrinth
My 1st attempt at a 1 wide tileable redstone build!
First attempt at a 1 wide tileable redstone build!
Feel old yet??
I never knew crystal mimics could just take stuff from you
wow it works!
Maybe Man, but a time traveler kicked a rock on October 13, 1942 at around 11:43 AM in Tucson, Arizona.
Putting my dad on peak