fact checked by REAL star wars fans
Rumors and News Tidbits Thread - Week of 03/10/2025 - 03/16/2025
People always make comparisons to the prequels for modern politics when the sequels were a perfect prediction
Well, I think Clone Wars SUCKS
Why didn’t Lucas film more children getting slaughtered?? I blame KK
Guys, which one is more dark and griddy?
Good Grief it's a running gag
Hot take: as a stand-alone film disconnected from the larger story, i think the Force Awakens is the best Star Wars film
Why is skeleton crew actually quite good?
Why is skeleton crew actually quite good
out jerked by prequel memes
How would people react to Genderswap version of Captain Rex?
Me, every single day:
My dog hates these movies is she problematic
It's not a shitposting sub anymore 😔
ohemgee guys DAE think politics is just lyk star war???
Jar Jar Jar
Here are my thoughts on Star Wars: I think George Lucas created the franchise. Personally the og, pre, and sequels are all trilogies. Maybe there should be another Star Wars movie or show. The best character could be all of them. (Thoughts in text)
The only purse I've ever had that gets more compliments from men than women
The Last Jedi being critiqued? Not on my watch.
TLJ discourse is cool again?
name your favorite glup shitto and i will rate them
there are many animated shows made for adults out there, but bloodless cartoon violence doesn't make a show "for adults"
Favorite blue skinned hottie?
Jesus Christ....
Filoni hate
Good news, everyone! Star Wars gonna die!