Bro huh
Why was Huggy the only toy that was saved?
Are we gonna have ANY allies in chapter 5?
What's Poppy really hiding from us?
I wonder if the Prototype could force Kissy to turn against us in chapter 5
Why'd Huggy give a key to let us further into the factory in chapter 1?
So… What Toy is Riley?
How did Doey even eat Pianosaurus?
What is something you're genuinely nervous about in chapters 3 and 4? (Gameplay, story, characters, Ect)
He gonna find a way to indefinitely delay the album I know it
I wonder if Huggy were to betray 1006 in the next chapter
Guys I think I've figured out what the prototype looks like
I fully believe our flare gun was supposed to be used on Yarnaby
[OC] How the fandom treats Poppy basically:
Gina can be a jerk but I honestly feel bad for her in this strip.
What if the baba section was replaced with pianosaurus?
Our current state.
jesus christ
Im still waiting
Can I just say, I REALLY don't get the obsession with this guy?
What if Kris opened a dark fountain in here?
What take got you like this?
Poppy Playtime Character's Roles (Day 11): Who is a character that is very annoying?
Other than Saitama, who could’ve stopped this guy?
Hold on, how did he know her name?