What Hot Wheels Spongebob character car is your favorite?
Harvey has gotta be the least cared about classic character.
I don't know about you all, but I feel this was a huge miss opportunity
Comment a random Spongebob episode, but put "& Knuckles" at the end of it
Comment a random Thomas episode, but put "& Knuckles" at the end of it
Mario wishes a happy late 5th anniversary to the first Sonic movie
Sailor Moon playing Sonic Adventure 2 and watching Eggman blow the moon in half with a lazer beam:
How much do Mario & Luigi's hammers weigh compare to Mario & Luigi themselves?
Which of these Mario themed foods would you like to see come back?
Did the person who made this game even watch the episodes on the DVD, 'cause when these happened in the episodes?
Mario after punching Fox off Rainbow Cruise:
Luigi is precious
Honestly, as much as I love the HIT era, Bold & Brave has to be the most nothing burger episode I've ever watched.
Favorite Spongebob trio? (Mine's the krusty crew)
Sarah vs MX
Spread the Word. #BringSandiBack
What are unrealistic wishes/bets involving Mario for 2025?
Don't think it, Don't say it
Favorite "Best Of" DVD/VHS? (Mine's Best Of James)
Unpopular opinion: out of 3 original bachmann engines, James is the only decent one, especially later version where they fix previous error he had (face could be better tho)
Remastered False Hero, MX & IHY Luigi sprites for Mario's Monday Night Massacre
Thoughts on N-Scale Gordon
Fan made Sonic Boom designs for Mario & Luigi (couldn't find the original artist)
Would you all hate me if I said this is my favorite Spongebob game?
What episode do you think SpongeBob himself would not be a fan of?