If I had a nickel for every time an animal was brutally killed in the ending scene of a Shrek movie, I'd have two nickels. It's not a lot, but it's rare that it's happened twice.
Xmas in 2000 was a good one.
What happened to AJAX? He didn't say anything about PFG closing, even in his profile he still says he works for PFG and WBGames, his last post was a Retweet on February 20
Don't you feel that the remakes have overly detailed environments, and that some things don't fit well visually in the realistic style, compared to the old games? With this last point I mean that in the remake some objects are huge next to the characters or that they feel out of place?
Mamita... todas las peliculas de Suar son iguales, literalmente
Que no hay otros actores jovenes que no sean estos? Estoy cansado de verlos en todas las peliculas de 2019 en adelante
aged-up dragon babies cast prediction
Shrek chileno
I'm sure we all have an acquaintance who looks like this
Rumpel concept art
What's your favorite Shrek movie and why?
I always found it funny how in the PS2 era the same Shrek design was always reused.
The Pied Piper is one of my favorite characters!
Why Don't Dreamworks Using Another Shrek Design For Shrek 5?
The most disgusting characters to face, almost always when you face them the match becomes a constant chase, a spam fest or a bullet hell
Honestly, I'm tired of this industry, to think that before these things came in the game without them asking you to pay more
I still have nightmares about this level, how hard it was to get the Ace
Favorite level from each game?
This games concept really could be lost forever...W.T.F it had over 100k on launch on steam alone. This is just crazy to digest.
Multiversus is a clear example of how to ruin the charm, charisma and personality of a game.
I miss the beta so much, why did they have to ruin everything?
We eliminated each other at the same time
Rick concept arts