Camouflage Question for E-100
Ship Disappearance
How do I report them, after a game?
I found myself in the backrooms of the Backrooms
Is it worth it?
What are some speculations you have about new "effects" (maybe they can get gas/blast intrinsic damage?) regarding either the 3 new weapons or the ones getting the CODA variant?
Cyte-09 needs some work
What else should I grind for? I have 50 more possible runs
How are yall getting to MR 30 so quick?
I'm going to scream [Nightwave]
[Xbox] W: Companion Jar Talisman, H: Ask
Xbox- W: Retaliatory & Lacerating Talismans // H: Ask, Karma
[Xbox] W: Retaliatory / Lacerating Talisman, H: Ask, Karma
[Xbox] W: danes footwork H: just ask
[XBOX] W: Putrescent cleaver +0 H: just ask
[xbox] W: Horned warriors Greatsword H: runes/mule/ask
Xbox - W: DLC craft mats / H: Ask
Xbox - W: Putrescence Cleaver H: Ask, Karma
(Xbox) W: Bolt of Gransax H: whatever you want lmao
[Xbox] W: Gaius's Set H: Ask
Xbox H: almost every armor/weapon W: Euporia
Xbox W: Swift Spear, H: Karma, Ask
[XB1] H: Photos W: Offers
Xb1 — H: Photos W: Offers
Xb1 - Price Check