Tell me your favorite psychedelic song?
What is the best album starting with I?
I’m starting to think these guys don’t like each other
What international artist is North America totally sleeping on?
I’m a straight white man with no trauma am I allowed to like CSH?
Recommend me a good song to listen to while stoned?
Best *band* starting with letter S?
Song titles that are way too long
Why is rock music today so awful?
Favorite instrumental song? say anything
Who would you consider to have the most “angelic” voice? How about “demonic?”
Best LIVE Songs?
Guys I thought this meant “third wind” not “ill wind”😭🙏 are there any songs that yall have misinterpreted
Grumpy Frieren is stretching (@Smaragdus)
Mediocre but famous and successful band.
Describe your life using only lyrics from your favorite song atm
What does my music taste say about me?
Songs that give a culty vibe like you’re going to be hunted and killed for a ritual sacrifice.
Really good remixes or covers of songs
I have this picture from school. What should it be named for an album?
high and very lonely, rec 1 song
Fav songs with saxophone in them
Whats your Favorite song? Blow my mind
What albums should I listen to based on my favorites?
If you're listening to music rn, what are you listening to?