What does this mean? I went to open DBD and got scared when I saw it! Good thing I was quick to take a screenshot. After that, I got a Wrathful Well charm.
My friend says my hygiene routine is over the top and that I should mention it to my therapist.
What was the very first game you played on a PC?
survivor is so miserable
Why do I feel like I lost the whole match whenever I killed 3/4 of the survivors in the trial?
The last thing you ate is her new name
What got you into tornados?
Did your parents avoid having "the talk" with you?
Prove me wrong: Sadako has the best bloody skin in the entire cast, not even close
How is the game so shitty right now?
How old is too old for VR chat?
In your opinion, which food tastes better the next day?
leaving cat home alone?
What's your first thought upon waking?
How many hours a week do you guys play video games as an adult?
Killers personalities influence their players.
Due to when most of them were born and raised, many ghosts are probably racist or sexist :\
Get up off your butt and wash the dishes!
Autistic sexy times for the win! :-)
Highest rated tornado to hit your county?
I need advice on getting my timid cat used to being handled.
what is the most brutal mori in the game so far
For people who consider themselves attractive, what was the moment that first made you think “oh sh*t, I think I might be attractive?”
Do you still get nervous for first dates as an adult? If so, how does it show? (Body language, behavior, etc.
Are you happier than you were 5 years ago? What would make you happier now?