I don’t understand Forge’s mutant powers. Can he build anything he wants? Can he create machines better than Tony Stark? Can he just look at a Reed Richards invention and say, “yeah, I could make that if I wanted.”
If Netflix gave you a 320 million budget for a film, what would you do to waste it? I would start with getting Chris Pratt as my lead and using AI in my film
Michael Bay is the Cinephile Gigachad
Who Would Win in a school election between Aragorn heir of Isildur and Emperor Palpatine?
favorite cinematic portrayal of the Batman villain Bane?
Alan Moore’s Oppenheimer moment
Favourite stalking story? I'll start:
How Batman felt making a robot that tries to murder him and his friends instead of a permanent prison for Joker
Nepo babies that are more talented than their parents?
Good Training video to learn to attack with knife?
$10000 USD in cash or become the world greatest at 1 thing with a catch
Has anyone else’s always thought Cap was the one who was in the right?
What should we name the country in blue?
A Refresher on Basic Economic Theory
Forbidden knowledge (it's right in the book)
Five years ago, I made it a personal goal of mine to be a part of a Dropout production somehow. Today, I'm happy to announce: it's finally happened.
Really confused
Pereira v Ankalaev reinforces my hatred of UFC fans
Why is Baltimore not in the Baltics? Are they stupid?
Jesus Christ, Guy
A Takedown of Billionaire Oprah Winfrey
Essential Listening: Community Defence
Dropout Does Batman: Day Eighteen: FINAL RESULTS!