Why is my camera also drunk? [KCD2]
[KCD2] I never thought I'd give praise side by side with a Christian.
America is Back
Am I the only one who is struggling to find the weapons of slain foes? Especially in the woods, just hard to find those weapons sometimes. Wouldn't it be better if it could be looted from the body? [KCD2]
To all you lowly peasants that are about to play the new game, enjoy! While I tend to my newborn babe and my wife. Got no time to play! So enjoy and please, pray for me.
For the attention of Rattay citizens only! ⚔️
Are there any other beings apart from the Emperor that can perma-death a daemon or a soul?
Find someone who loves you like Dana loves Jones
Why did the Emperor create such an all powerful rank of "Warmwater"? Why not divide the the roles according to specific talents of the Primarchs?
Who's a retired UFC fighter you miss the most?
Give me a reason to hate each Space Marine Chapter
Find yourself someone that looks at you like Dana looks at Jones
How will Dana "make it right?"
Was Horus more powerful than the Emperor at the end, on the Vengeful Spirit?
Who the hell been making these videos, it's cracking me up
Ranking of writers?
Which loyalist Chapter is the strongest in terms of technology?
Why is the Emperor in his current state not more powerful than all the Chaos Gods combined?
How strong are Ogryns compared to Orks?
Necron flayers... What are some "things" or creatures more horrifying than them? Any examples?
Im looking for a new novel to read, after having gobbled up a great many like a hungry Nurgling. I'm interested to know what your favorite book is and why?
When did Vulkan kill an eldar child? Why? What happened after that?
Why is Kaldor Draigo cursed to walk the warp?
Which SM chapters have the craziest recruitment trials?
Couldn't handle the greater gun.