How bad of an idea is it to insert cellulose-digesting bacteria into the human intestine so we can eat grass and sticks?
If you have 100 of something, you can exchange it for a generator of it at the rate of 1/day
I just don't get it and it's making want to play less and less :(
CMV: Genetically modified foods have the potential to be unilaterally better than ‘organic’ foods
Honestly if theres nothing on April 2nd, its Hornetover
Doctors of Reddit, what do we *not* know about the human body?
What are some foods from your culture that you think everyone should try at least once?
Why are ‘Leaks’ something so bad for the creators of games and movies?
I wish that my ex can never manipulate anyone ever again
Thats it! I've had enough, I am gambling my left nut on this being the one where we get the release date.
TF do I do with 7k obsidian
Canadians of Reddit, what should Americans know/consider before deciding to immigrate?
You are nearly omnipotent, but must sacrifice someone every 3 hours to survive
What if it SilkSucks?
Goku is 6d-outerversal in base. Goku has multiple faster than time feats from the saiyan saga and onwards. Goku has mind reading powers. Goku is immune to narrative manipulation, fate manipulation, narrative erasure, and existence erasure.
Unusual breath weapons: GO.
Would you trade the Fletcher Villager for a Carpenter Villager?
Help! Dormmate will not listen to reason.
Who knew?
Hey whats the paint color for the dorm walls
21 MTF looking for other trans fems and girls to chat and play games with daily! 💙❤️ PC only.
Anyone need food?
(Crackpot theory) The yellow arm is Gabriels, and this matters more than you think.
Iconic/Cover Weapons from a game (series) that are one of the worst weapons in game or meh at best. (Magic and Pokémon can apply here)