3 celsius and a dream at 12am
Senior about to graduate with Bs Biochem
Just got accepted into UCSD but got put into ERC - not my first choice.
UC reject
Are Classrooms Locked Overnight
How's the job hunt going?
baddie at target
Making of the Modern world
What's a new faction you'd want to see in AoS
horizon day 1 headliner ?
Do people actually like MMW?
My name is Edwin
Average UCSD student looks like this
Unicycle guy
Looking for a third...
To UCSD anime enthusiasts fellas...
Valentine’s by myself
idea: ucsd party locator app
Not leaving my apartment
To my suite mate talking mad shit behind my back
I did not choose UCSD for it to fucking Rain.
Urgent Care Near Campus
"Yea I scooter to class. How did you know?"