Bos stumbled upon an extraterrestrial research facility, after killing some aliens, they now do research themselves
What's your opinion on "essential" characters? Are they totally unacceptable due to restricting your gameplay, or is it ok to have some of them marked essential in order for the game to be finishable, no matter what you do?
Which entry made you a fan of the series?
L'odio online per la manifestazione pro EU di sabato
Beginner tips?
Tel Aviv was founded on land purchased from Bedouins, north of the existing city of Jaffa. This photograph is of 1909 auction of the first lots.
Guess my age
Essere contro l'IMMIGRAZIONE ILLEGALE non è sinonimo di Razzismo.
I just achieved my first ever world conquest with Japan! I have ~200 hours of total playtime in HOI4. Which nation should I play next? Give me some ideas. 🙂
che ne pensereste di un'ipotetica federazione europea?
Sono Millenial, etero, bianco, onnivoro, pro vax, pro aborto, moon lander, science based. AMA
Ma la destra non ha niente di meglio da fare che inventare cazzate?
My rendition of the Plague inc Map. Leave questions and I'll answer.
Unpopular opinion: Deangelo Vickers should've stayed boss after Michael left.
"Vietnam will overcome" Cuban poster about the Sino-Vietnamese War, 1979.
'The "Horrors" of Bolshevism' — British postcard (ca. 1919) published by the Workers' Socialist Federation.
Marcy Long was acting up again
This is definitely not something cat-licking Angela would say
Mi piace avere diritti non morirei per essi
Pathetic, Hans. What would Opa say?
Anyone else hard?
Palestine compromise flag proposal
Articolo 3: "Tutti i cittadini hanno pari dignità sociale e sono eguali davanti alla legge, senza distinzione di sesso, di razza, di lingua, di religione, di opinioni politiche, di condizioni personali e sociali."
What is this flag?
Fourth International poster in Persian showing Trotsky and his son Sedov, who both were murdered by Stalin
Am I not the most successful German navy admiral ever