Is my nose really bad?
Yo did well on me, now roast my girlfriend(28), quirky, full of energy, annoying
19F heard all the asian jokes, do your worst
What artist can you simply not stop telling people about?
Best album starting with H?
Best *band* starting with letter P?
Rolling Stones has won for R! Now who is the greatest classic rock artist who start with S?
Need new music to listen to!
Wanted to be a rockstar... Wound up selling dirt instead. Do your worst.
I had to deal with a psychiatrist in charge of my care at hospital that had a criminal record. Should he have been allowed to continue practicing as a doctor after he was found guilty?
Tell me, who’s the greatest rock band of all time?
Just for fun choose your top 5!
my friends said this was a bad idea but i’m 34 this year so let’s go
You have to pretend the meds are helping you if they’re not in order to make progress if you’re in hospital or on a CTO. Then the doctors claim the meds are the reason you’re making progress.
I know this is overdone, but I have a different opinion to everyone else so...... tell me your favorite song ‼️‼️
Best *band* starting with letter F?
Whats your favorite band?
Should people who can’t get a job due to disability or other reasons be paid enough to have a comfortable living?
27/ single for over 4 years
Should psychiatrists who are diagnosed with a psychiatric condition be allowed to practice?
The last thing you ate will be his name.
I had to deal with a psychiatrist in charge of my care at hospital that had a criminal record and I’m not kidding.
Should people who can’t work due to disability or other reasons be paid enough welfare to have a comfortable living?
Please recommend music based on my top artist:
What looks better the full beard, stubble, mustache or clean shaven?