Do not come to my house 😁
Feel like I’ve done nothing with my life but too late to start now?
Subject with more trouble- Physics... What's your subject which bores you??
I don't want my kids to go through the competitive culture of india
Need Suggestion on Salary planning.
How to improve my english vocabulary and grammar ?
What’s a skill you wish you had learned earlier in life?
Is it possible to get job at the age of 30 with no experience
Saw a 30ish man using this bottle in gym today
Are there any guys who don't smoke or drink in corporate.
22F unemployed, anxious , confused, really need some advice
Left a job that I didn’t like, and now regretting it. Should I ask for my old job back?
Would you leave India if you were given 10 crores?
Life isn't unfair
HELP!! She randomly got in my house
Please please help
Does it make sense to move to Dubai for Tax saving purpose for 28M earning 1 Cr
Should I do BBA or BCA ? Give me Suggestions
Share a pleasant memory at your job?
How do I start over at 29?
If money wasn't a factor, what would you do full time?
Anyone over 25, drop your best relationship advice.
I dont feel like making friends in office , is this normal?
Do you think having weekends off is important?
Is anyone else addicted to their tech job?