quite long games nintendo for travel?
Movies with endings that made your jaw drop
X Box Series X or PS5?
When you don't know what to play games what always fun?
I think I ran out of comedy movies to watch :(
You are forced to watch at least 1 of these awful films which one do you choose
How do you carry your Steam Deck?
Games won't work on external storage
Favorite Neal/Mozzie quotes?
Based on my 20 favorite movies and series, what else do you recommend?
What to do after finishing season?
Who Can Fix it And Upgrade it ?
What's the consensus?
What Do You Think Is Best Game Of 2004?
This game looks like it's gonna be fun..
Help in Verifying Authenticity
First 4* Uber unique, I would be excited but...
What are you playing this week?
How much is it worth?
Colour me confused
Recommendations for less open games which also aren't super hard?
Favorite big brand root beer?
What do you put on a burger that no one else does?
my PlayStations USB ports.