If you could ask Axl any question, what would it be?
It's So Easy with Buckethead at Rock In Rio 2001
[Charania] Yet another injury hit for Dallas: Mavericks guard Dante Exum has suffered a broken bone in his left hand, sources tell ESPN. He is now out indefinitely.
Is this a wasp?
Angels Of Passion vhs
Highlights from Chris and Phil’s birthday livestream on IG.
All the snippets from the 3rd Album
Songs inexplicably left off of Greatest Hits albums
What do you think of Dave Ellefson?
Why does he post new content less frequently now?
Band names that aren't actual words and seemingly don't mean anything
The Dallas Mavericks are now down to a historically low 7 healthy players after Dwight Powell and Kessler Edwards collided and went to the locker room. Naji Marshall is the only player taller than 6'6. Nico Harrison is visibly frustrated.
Still can't believe this song was as big as a hit as it was last year and is arguably the biggest modern rock song of the streaming era (and it's still high on the charts worldwide!!) Also, how many rock subgenres is Wikipedia gonna label it as, goddamn! Guess Benson Boone's our new Axl Rose.
Anyone heard this relatively unknown gem? Not bad!
What is this sub's opinion on The Offspring?
Update : Alvin Dean (Statues in Motion)
There were so many Lostwave and Lost Media solves last year. What are your top five you want solved in 2025?
Live performances
What’s your favorite Black Metal…
Layne Staley as a child
What's that song that got you headbanging like crazy but is way too short (under 3 minutes and 20 seconds)
McDonalds needs to ditch their breakfast menu
Kareem played against Wilt and Hakeem. Kidd played against Magic and Steph. NBA history is shorter than you think.
Whats the alice in chains most AliceInChainest song?
These guys made a glam rock, progressive rock, hair metal, heavy metal and grunge album to stay relevant with the times. But they retired without giving us a nu/rap metal and a country record. KISS In Da Hood and Howdy KISS , you will be missed 😢