I have two uteruses and two vaginas. AMA
Post Dental Work Concerns
Stupid center pulls. I never can find them. Why can’t it be easier??
The ear plugs question…
AIO? made a joke about taking a nap
Cat belly lump
I saw someone hit a goose on purpose and I can’t get over it
Any comments for Sub focus?
Daughter claiming sexual abuse, need advice.
The cost of living in Ottawa is very stressful.
Should you ever ask before a date who’s going to be paying?
Calorie deficit while lifting
Worlds Cuddliest Cat
What can i do to pass a drug test for weed?
Alcohol in new relationship
Just closed on my new house, only to find mold all over my kitchen. Need your help please!
Guys help how do I get him to be more gentle or stop
Met Shatner in a Bar
I dont want to watch my brother ruin his life
Im on acid AMA
Bf got upset bc I laid across him
What’s the worst place you’ve worked in Ottawa?
Why don't cats fart?
La Cocina chips