I'm thinking if they do have controllers, they should have something like this! (with only five buttons of course)
Breakdancing Car
I just love this lil homie
The Hot Tub is deadly!
Sprites should become backblings
What’s your main instrument
Any Fortnite X levels
Haven follower bug
Every time i see this skin i wanna throw my controller at the screen
Holy Christ
I played festival for my high schools talent show
Gold star on every single All-Access song
All songs 1 sitting
Song Suggestion Saturday
Just wanna appreciate this GOAT
Name better end-of-chapter villain music than these, I’ll wait.
Can anyone give advice on how to do this pattern?
Fortnite Key Art in 2025:
Rate the recovery out of 10
With complete randoms 😂 Took way too long to set up for it to not be seen.
Bro what is this?!?!?!?
Decided to make a Cyber themed city with an under city area as well as the city itself (1.0)
Carrying to immortal
New jam tracks arriving Thursday