2nd AR, First Build
Here's my team, just felt like sharing tbh.
Scope suggestions.
I just bought these parts today for $300. What do you think?
Is Meganium really THAT bad?
Ar15 light 150$ or less with high candela , decent lumens , durable and preferably longer run time.
Gotta thank this man for taking care of this DSi XL
Hand guard options?
40th Anniversary
Blaziken Moveset
is it wrong to catch event or exclusive legendaries using cheats?
i am starting a new playthrough and super hyped! what should my starter be?
Why hasnt nintendo created a remake of emerald?! Or leafgreen/ fire red?! Crazy missed opportunity im sure they know it would sell massively
do you guys play with animations on?
Help Battle frontier
I started playing emerald on ezflash omega, does anyone know if the berries grow normally in the save of this flashcart???
What's your thought on people who "flip" bikes. (Resell)
[US - WA] Gameboy Pocket (Clear) CGS 2.6” IPS Display, CGS Shell & Buttons, FP Membranes ($120 shipped CONUS)
BF Rain Team
Amazon driver wrote on my porch railing with a sharpie
Battle Frontier Spiritomb
This one’s for the people telling me to wash my hands 😤😈
Spiritomb caught!!
The hunt begins