What skins are you displaying in your ML profile??~ here’s mine! ⬇️
Buzz Godzilla
Did I just pull one of the rarest cards of Supreme Darkness??
We are getting the 2 hypers
What's the best value the hypercharge and the skin or should i buy the brawler(i have gems to cover the remaining missing pizzas).Also I got pop penny on the last free offer 😁🥳
Squad Buster Shelly is back in the shop!
What's the f%@$ point of this and how do I report them when it happens?
I wanna cop so bad but Charlie is in such a bad spot rn
5 power ponts?! OMG thank you supercell you shouldn't have!
Supercell’s response to the situation is disappointing
Aren't the deals supposed to change every day?
weres my godamm pikmin nintendo??
I already log in to my id but I didn't get archer queen. How can I fix this?
I just got all m4 effects and prime skin that i miss during it's time 4 less than 400 dias . I can sleep now
Trading gifts 4 gifts
How to play the game from EU Ios?
Patch Notes 1.8.44 - Org Server
I just got my Beatrix M4 statue from ebay for $170.
Pikmin 4 OLED model?
man i just got a collector skin hero that i dont even know how to use it :skull:
Has Direct Shipped For Anyone?
This is the most op team I've ever had I was literally obliterating my opponents
This is possible the most op team I ever had in magic chess. what you guys think ?
is anyone interested In trading gifts if so add me ID:156957269