Saw this pop up in the Facebook auction I'm in
Dome is one of COD's best maps
Ever notice how these self-proclaimed history lovers don’t actually like history?
Found this abomination in a store in Tennessee
Horse racing should've been consigned to history a long time ago and I've no idea why it's still allowed
Single Ladies is one of the worst songs of all time
DMZ Went from The Working Man's Casual COD to the Toxic Mega-Sweats Hunting grounds. what happened?
Popular but unshared opinion: One shot shotguns ruined close range combats
Is mw22 worth it currently on steam for 28 dollars (steam spring sale)
chinese guy rages on MW2
A Hollyhock for your time and worth
Beatrice is one of the most complete female characters I've ever met.
I completely forgot about all the weird shit in this episode
I never thought about it that way
Black Gold was a cool idea on a terrible map
Looks like all the girls got sick during the fes
What are some tell-tale signs that an artist will be a One Hit Wonder?
What are your thoughts on Woodchuck Coodchuck-Berkowitz?
What are your thoughts on Mr. Neal McBeal?
Just because you don’t have a kid doesn’t mean your takes on child rearing aren’t valid.
People driving way below the speed limit should be more of a crime than someone who’s going to fast.
What if she appears?
Kiara and Raora played the pocky game AND KISSED IRL!!! 😸💋🐔
Mococo Hopecore - YT Shorts! (Downloaded as a file) (Link will be posted in the comments)