a semelhança é clara....
what is the best place to get into a argument/fight with a stranger?
"taste is subjective" is just a "Get Out of Jail Free card" against criticism
if an object traveled between 2 points at faster-than-light speed, would something like a blur appear between those 2 points? or would it look like teleportation?
my doctor said that if i hear someone say a number i will die
what do you guys think of the claim that, if a country was run by people with a high level of technical skill, the government would only support the interests of academics?
A Dialogue on Antinatalism
program to automatically uploads a video to a external host and creates a embed to discord to bypass the filesize limit
[java] how to add a linebreak to a splash text in a resource pack?
is it possible to design a first person shooter that is impossible to get good at? and if yes, how?
is it true that its impossible to be truly hopeless?
fitgirl or dodi repacks doesn't seem to have the lastest version of payday 2
can worldbuilding be a form of procrastination?
[TOMT][YOUTUBE(?)] guy who shows picture of black men to random people in real life
how long did it take to tag your files? (and other concerns about time management)
its ok to sleep less for the sake of maintaining a sleep schedule?
is there actual scientific proof that TikTok and other short form video platforms are actually decreasing attention span?
[NeedAdvice] how to deal with how MISERABLE doing things feels in certain days?
have you ever wondered if everything john wick did to be free was even worth it? (and other mistakes john wick might have made)
I had to ask this Question
the shitfuckers - self destruction
[TOMT][Youtube channel] an "ARG" about a guy making tutorials on how to deal with paranormal creatures
tip: if you are using the mod "valkyrian skies" or "valkyrian skies eureka" make sure to put your ship atleast 1 block above the ground before asembling it, otherwise you could turn an entire village innto an airplane, like i did
movies where the protagonist survives a plethora of events out of pure luck