[BAD VIBES] Subsonic Weapon used on the crowd in Belgrade today, making them react like some kind of magic attacked them
Just blame heals its always heals fault
"Why doesn't he just kill the joker??" Listen here you little shit-
That's why they are Main Victims
Every artist, writer, and good person hates powerscalers.
At what point are we just using OCs
Casual powerscaler learns the truth
"b-but funny..."
Indian YouTuber travels to Israel to show “full support” and gets denied entry into bars.
Is this the only other adaptation of happy hogan outside of the mcu
I like it rough 😜
I mean if there are no other options
Who's the weakest character in fiction?
Anybody else think he is an underrated 6th ranger?
And in the sequel, Hulk find outs his son Skaar was actually the Gamma Knight who was working with The Leader to destroy Gamma City, peak gaming.
It you're doing this, bring unbreakable, bc I ain't picking up.
Me when Robert Kirkman says Omniman would beat Superman
Just give it up dawg 💔
Are there any campy/comedy horror characters you’d want to see added?
What are ways to counter the clown?
This post isn’t about DC or comics, but the jerk is that I’m posting it anyway
guys trust this is actually a draw
Question, what is the WORST power-scaling take you've ever heard?
Subreddit has turned to shit. Batgos forgive us.