Found in my dry flower bed. No ponds, streams, creeks, nor rivers in my vicinity. Crawfish? So confused...
Found This Bugger in my Dry Flower Bed. No ponds or creeks anywhere near me... Crawfish or what??
I Give Up
Walter Bosse mark on flat ashtray or some other object, is this a WB work or a fake? Can't tell if it's brass or copper. Feels slightly heavy for size. Also unsure of the top marking/number...the ΔE 2982S.
Admitted into hospital today
Living in Survival Mode is Exhausting
guys someone help me please!
Tired of these anxiety/panic symptoms anyone else ? I’m over it.
Fuck zodiac signs
Losing friends due to anxiety
Feeling of impending doom without physical symtpoms?
I feel like a lot of you have undiagnosed OCD
Craziest thing anxiety has made you do? The funnier the better
AIO my boyfriend keeps farting on me.
My cousins found my aunt and uncle dead today and I was the "first responder".
help urgent
Does anyone else experience heightened anxiety in the er?
I think I almost had a seizure
Can’t think of a name for her. She’s very bad. Want something short or something that can be shortened
Author you are devastated by the death of?
this is how my printer decided to print out my tote labels today
how many of yall are actually getting the 600 picks min now that everything is mixed?
Well that looks kinda derp--WAIT WHAT