Baked potato chips came out looking like used condoms
Je suis perdue !!!! Comment s’engager vers un avenir serein ?
Roman marble sculpture showing a portrait of an elderly woman. Dated to the end of the 1st century CE. The object is located in the Vatican Museums. [1200x1619]
I really hate Reddit.
Is he taking the win or Nah?
They're at it again
In Angel Face (1953), Otto Preminger asked Mitchum to slap Jean Simmons again and again because he wasn't satisfied. Exceeded, Mitchum mega-slapped Preminger instead, shooting: "do you still want another one?"
Someone posted this "2 States solution" proposal. Thoughts?
Wolfen (1981)
Nerd Culture is still just have to look in the right places.
Is time discrete or continuous?
A new room with frescoes depicting the initiation into the mysteries and the dionysiac procession was discovered in Pompeii (source in comment) [1500x1001]
Michelle Trachtenberg dies at 39
The Associated Press has been officially banned from covering the Oval Office and Air Force One
What movie actually made you cry from laughing so hard?
So I was watching this 1984 movie… Do you recognize the blond scientist who explains to her team how they'll dissect the weird specimen they just found?
Is it me or this Liszt's caricature from 1850 kinda looks like Johnny goring was of his victim?
Pourquoi y’a tout le temps des bouteilles d’eau dans les toilettes publiques ?
cAt AlMOst BlasTeD bY a MAsSive RoCkET!!
Comment savoir que nous défendons les bonnes valeurs ?
Anyone ever read "The Ancient City" (La Cité Antique) from Fustel de Coulanges?
Les dentistes s'y mettent aussi
Après les coiffeurs... les dentistes s'y mettent aussi (vu dans Paris centre)