Is it ever explained why Michael Schcofield and Kaniel Outis look so similar? Are they twin brothers?
First Solo Trip to Himachal for Sangla Holidays
What is Angela saying to Dwight? Wrong answers only
favourite character?
Me at work every day
r/thesopranos vs r/CirclejerkSopranos
I’m Tyrus Kitt. Don’t AMA, I’mma just stare at you if you do.
Why didn't anybody clap after Walt's killer speech?
Hey, poppin’ fresh, I’m in no fucking mood today. It’s either heads or tails. Call it
Don’t lie; yours look like this too
I painted Dunder Mifflin
The resemblance is uncanny
(25) to (34)
What does she mean by that? Can someone translate it please.
Healthy as a fucking rhino, this guy.
What is your average number of double-shot espressos (14–18g) consumed per day?
If Harry Potter were filmed like The Office:
Marriage is a favor
Lose the cap retard
I think of this moment more than I should
Are you in the mafia?
I love how Kevin enjoyed the joke and how he kept it going
To me she's beautiful. Rubenesque.
When Jim and Dwight set their differences aside, the sky is the limit—a true power couple.