Here is the translated version of the post earlier, it’s from Osik
Lisia or Tania better setter ?
Has anybody else done this or only me?
What should be Lisia stats , I just opened her
Event scout points transfer to normal ones after event
What should be the best stats for Hanra
Younsup or oasis
Rate my squad
Did daredevil suit in she- hulk is before this
I think we are gonna see Tabitha and Jade more in S4
I watching the season 3 finale and I don't want to finsh it
Sorry one-piece but Naruto is my heart
I don't hate Jim anymore I just pity him
Should I collect ball use in normal recruit shop or go for event shop
Sarah appreciation post
Do you remember her?
Boom Ace
I didn't get anything so should collect till last day or 800 then again 800 vballs
Balls finished now what to do
I give up
What's the time India for start of the event
For how much time Red eye event will go on
I want a moral compass like him
Spike Edit