Please Sega, don't turn me into airpods...
She is so adorable, what the heck
So Sonic is nearly 17 by frontiers right?
"Just" he says....
Team Spinning
Giant Ennemy Crab by Hotkoin
Is the game worth getting into? It looks cool!
Gigabash concepts that I wish to see as new original titans
Who would win in a 1v1 fight?
Here are some things I'd like to see from a potential "Frontiers 2". What do YOU want to see??
If Bionicle had a hero shooter, who would you main?
More Ring Team
Ring Team (Team that places the rings)
How to make rouge sexier
Which character deserves their own spinoff game and what would that game be? (No Shadow)
I present to you Unitorch-SD, a 10 round rscb joltoid carbine that has Omnitorch (a modular Joltoid with swappable barrels) as an underbarrel attachment. It is ready for beta testing.
Piggy Back Strider Concept
powerful lights
MRW the US federal government is now going to purchase $400,000,000 with of armored Cybertrucks.
Imagine being this stupid
Found some cool Nerf concepts on Raymond Aaron Mead's ArtStation profile. Sounds like he's recently left Nerf, but has a neat history (designed things like the Longshot, Rayven, Maverick, Nitefinder, Vulcan).
Beese Churger
Huh, go figure?
A twitter user actually admitting to being wrong upon being presented with new information