[DISCUSSION] What are some of the most notable SP concerts?
Can we talk about how great this 4 track run is?
On This Day Feb 6th (Happy Birthday Mike Byrne!)
Howie Mandel apologizes for ambushing Bill Burr and Billy Corgan: 'I feel horrible'
A must
Has anyone paid for his new substack yet?
What is REM’s most underrated album?
My Early Impressions of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth – A Strange Experience
What are the issues with the remasters?
Quotes for Yearbook?
Zeitgeist Fanmade Deluxe Boxset (concept) -
Is 10 months for a 70.3 not realistic
Which live song ruins the album version?
Supernatural Superserious life-changing lyric
R.E.M.’s Best Songs by Compilation: Dead Letter Office
No offense and all, but how the hell did we get Batcher before we got a Crosshair or GTA6?!?!
I'm going to start Rebirth soon
Lettuce Be Frank
The last 5 songs on Twilight To Starlight are pretty much their own EP.
The Magnificent Others w/ Billy Corgan - Trailer
Lily (My One And Only)
Despite all my rage, I am still not the boyfriend of Paige.
More positive vibes
Welcome to rockville 2022