Why does English sound so "round" when so many other languages sound "sharp"? And are there any other languages that have that same round drawly sound?
Round 2 what would you name this state
What is this red wavy line in my image
Concorde my beloved
Got jumpscared by this (kind of big) little guy
Which of the Bloodlines would you say still exist today?
Help with solutions
Questions about Salat al-Kusoof
France hopes you forgot about this gun
Wikipedia Questions - Weekly Thread of December 04, 2023
Can someone tell me how to fix this?
My objectively better map of US states
This Is The End (for Hamas anyway)
Fun fact: 99% of Americans cannot name this country
Chechnyan front when? (The CIA is ready to support our mujahadeen allies!)
STOP: This is a mandatory presidential photo check. Produce the last picture on your phone with a president in it.
Tf is up with southerners and this shit?
Why do people say Ronald Reagan was the devil?
Me when any big development in the war happens
Is it the beach episode?
3rd Miscarriage in a Row
Just some "ideas"
Helped a Snake