Decent grind spot for shai
Zombie Miku (by ビッキー)
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
Looking for a cute adventure
anime with a subtle romance plot between two characters
We are getting so close! Today the prophecy of Bitcoin was fulfilled. And dogecoin will follow! To the 🌝
What do you spend your silver on now besides crons?
For those asking when to Buy, Hold & Sell
Do your Timewalking guys =P
Keep XRP or invest in a commercial real estate business?
I somehow recived a unstoppable mechasaur army in my delve.
Am I doing this right?
I deserved this
An anime where the main character likes to wear jeans
Caught holding the back. Was up over 900,000 profit in doge. Was waiting for this run around a dollar. Watching 4 year cycles and the charts play out last cycles. Everyone said will get a few pumps. Now done to 45,000 profit
Anime that gets worse and worse the farther you go?
Transmogs :D
Hi guys im john retard AMA
Okay guys I just got secret message from god.
Saw this post on the WoW forums. As a healer, this explains a lot... 😁
When should I go all in
My fyp has been really weird these past few days…
Should support-DPS specs be a thing?
Every 2nd video is an ad
Duel class dream, mine is paladin/demon hunter. What would you want?