Rate my EDC setup
Can I put a button on a g43 or wat stop trolling Ina comments
My WRX with an sti wing
Can You put an incognito on a g43?
Love the boost weather in SoCal
Easiest pistol to find holsters for (with attachments)
Don’t crucify me
And I’m tired of pretending that it’s not
No wing, no duckbill, and no spoiler. Team delete ✌️
New shoes are OOOON!
A1 sight installation became SO much less frustrating when I stopped cheaping out
Light primer strike
5 speed manual lifespan
Just picked this up what slides do you guys recommend for an optic and what optic?
Gassed finger tip.
what’s your fav mod done to your subie
Thoughts on this G19.5 review? It felt a bit harsh to me
They will be donated to people with Altimas instead
Why are used Glock 17's selling for so much on Gunbroker?
Best 2011 oil
First steps to get into rally
Can I put a built in on a g43
Heritage Blue is the Best Blue. You can't change my mind.
Ramjet fs
17C Pyrotechnics